We are very thankful to the Daily Mail for announcing us as having 'The UK's Most Picturesque Pub Garden'. We were the only pub in Kent to be listed, and we are glad to be bringing quality service, with wonderful, fresh food to the local community.

We have also since been complemented by Kent Live, congratulating us! We have worked hard over the lockdown period to bring some of the best hospitality to your doors. We buildt a custom scaffold structure, with heaters to create the best experience, to welcome back our regulars.
See the Artice: https://www.kentlive.news/whats-on/food-drink/griffins-head-quintessential-kentish-pub-5340095

Our chefs have also been working hard to bring great produce into our amazing Italian menu. Weekly weekend specials and desserts, what could be better?
See Our Menu: www.thegriffinshead.com/menu

Make a table reservation now: www.thegriffinshead.com/reservations